GENERATED: MAY 4,2023 - 8:03AM
XML2HTML Docs Mail [V10.23.05. 27.03]

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This "CHT Utility Application", HNDBULKNETMAILPROMO.APP, or CHT Bulk Net Mail Promo, is a HNDNETSMTP.DLL based approach to HTML-email-sending via SMTP from Clarion applications. It shares the same XML-based mail "outline" files used by HNDBULKMAILSMTP.APP.

This application processes the HTML-email directly via the above-mentioned DLL, rather than by starting an executable batch utility. Email creation and generation features, and XML and HTML source files are idential to those provided in HNDBULKMAILBATCHER.APP for cross-compatibility.

Generate HTML Mail With Internal Style Sheets
It is important for HTML email to use internal style sheets so that the email, on arriving in the recipient's inbox, does not need to request external style sheets from the web. It is therefore deemed "safe" by email clients. It displays immediately, like text mail without the user needing to click any kind of "allow" switch.

Style Sheet Generating Template
This application illustrates a CHT template that allows the developer to change every important aspect of numerous useful HTML style sheets so that different "looks" can easily be incorporated into different HTML-generating-procedures. To create HTML outputs with new and different looks, simply copy the existing example procedure and add your own style and flare by adjusting template switches and by removing or adding to the various "sections" incorporated into our example procedures.

Select Single Or Multipe Email Addresses
Select one or more email addresses from the email browse(s) using standard MS Windows record marking and an .HTML file written ahead of time using CHTSNAPEDIT.EXE or generated by one of this application's HTML-generating procedures.

When "Send" is invoked, on a group of selected records, the HNDNETSMTP.DLL sends the HTML email body to the addresses selected. Each email is processed and a success or failure outcome string is written into the email file. Images inserted into the email body are processed and included as always.

CHT Bulk Net Mail Promo is able to import email addresses exported from other applications such as Windows Live Mail. And up to 9 different email address source files can be maintained in this application. These files are shared with CHT Bulk Mail Batcher.

Preconfigure your SMTP email-send account beforehand and select that account for sending before attempting to send any mail.

SelectEmailAddressesEX (Procedure Template: Browse)
Count Instance Class Type Methods Header File
(0001) BRW1 BrowseClass ABC 85 ABBROWSE.INC
(0002) BRW1::EIPManager BrowseEIPManager ABC 47 ABBROWSE.INC
(0003) EditInPlace::TPS:Department EditEntryClass ABC 9 ABEIP.INC
(0004) EditInPlace::TPS:EmailAddress EditEntryClass ABC 9 ABEIP.INC
(0005) EditInPlace::TPS:Name EditEntryClass ABC 9 ABEIP.INC
(0006) EditInPlace::TPS:Notes EditEntryClass ABC 9 ABEIP.INC
(0007) MARK HNDMarkerBrowse HND 480 HNDMRKBR.INC
(0008) LNK HNDShellLinkClass HND 61 HNDSHLNK.INC
(0009) Handles7 HNDSizes HND 23 HNDSIZES.INC
(0011) HWin HNDWindow HND 206 HNDWINDO.INC
(0012) BRW1::Sort0:Locator StepLocatorClass ABC 12 ABBROWSE.INC
(0013) Toolbar ToolbarClass ABC 6 ABTOOLBA.INC
(0014) ThisWindow WindowManager ABC 40 ABWINDOW.INC
(14) Class Instances Found In SelectEmailAddressesEX

MainWindow (Procedure Template: Frame)
Count Instance Class Type Methods Header File
(0003) HWin HNDWindow HND 206 HNDWINDO.INC
(0004) Toolbar ToolbarClass ABC 6 ABTOOLBA.INC
(0005) ThisWindow WindowManager ABC 40 ABWINDOW.INC
(5) Class Instances Found In MainWindow

AutoGenHTMLFromXML_VER02 (Procedure Template: HandySourceProcedure)
Count Instance Class Type Methods Header File
(0001) HSRC HNDSourceProcedure HND 47 HNDSRC.INC
(0002) HWin HNDWindow HND 206 HNDWINDO.INC
(2) Class Instances Found In AutoGenHTMLFromXML_VER02

GetWebReceiptNoWait (Procedure Template: HandySourceProcedure)
Count Instance Class Type Methods Header File
(0001) HWin HNDWindow HND 206 HNDWINDO.INC
(1) Class Instances Found In GetWebReceiptNoWait

JumpStartSplashCHTBlue (Procedure Template: Splash)
Count Instance Class Type Methods Header File
(0001) HTellMe HNDWindow HND 206 HNDWINDO.INC
(0002) HWin HNDWindow HND 206 HNDWINDO.INC
(0003) Toolbar ToolbarClass ABC 6 ABTOOLBA.INC
(0004) ThisWindow WindowManager ABC 40 ABWINDOW.INC
(4) Class Instances Found In JumpStartSplashCHTBlue

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