GENERATED: JAN 12,2023 - 12:28PM
CONVERT HTML 2 PDF [V10.23.01. 27.00]

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This "CHT Utility Application" HNDHTML2PDF.EXE may be used to convert well-formed HTML into user-interactive PDF documents.

Four versions of the executable are provided, one each with C9.1, C10, C11 and C11.1, located in the \accessory\bin\ directory. The source application is also provided in CHT's \hndapps\ directory.

Configure an "HTML Source Directory" and a "PDF Target Directory". The HTML file pickup location is determined by the "Source" value and the PDF creation location is determined by the "Target" value.

Next, select the .HTM or .HTML file names that you want to convert to PDF documents. These file names are then stored in the HNDHTML2PDF.TPS file along with a complete path, and a TIME, DATE and SIZE stamp. Since the file names and dates are stored, the date-time-size stamp on these files remains static. However, a double click on any file name forces an refresh of the DATE, TIME, SIZE information provided for any file.

Using the multi-select feature of the CHT LBX browse on the conversion dialog window, highlight the file or files that should be processed into .PDF's.

Click the PDF button on the window toolbar to begin PDF creation. Files with the same names and a .PDF extension are created in the "PDF Target Directory".

Count Global Template Name Qty Global Template Description
(0001) AACHTControlPanel(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AACHTControlPanel - CHT Global Control Panel (hndtools.tpl)
(0002) AACHTControlPanelClose(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AACHTControlPanelClose - Global Control Panel (Close).
(0003) ApplicationImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ApplicationImagesEx - CHT Application Styling System
(0004) ApplicationSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ApplicationSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(0005) GlobalIncludeHNDCaptureConsoleFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT GlobalIncludeHNDCaptureConsoleFunctions - Capture Console Classes - HNDCaptureConsole - globally to your application.
(0006) GlobalIncludeHNDDiskFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT GlobalIncludeHNDDiskFunctions - Disk classes - HNDDisk - globally to your application.
(0007) HandyVersionResource(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyVersionResource - Version Resource/Build Number Information To EXE
(0008) INIFile(HNDTools) 1 © CHT INIFile - .INI FIle and Registry extension classes - HNDIni - globally to your application.
(0009) VblFileNames(HNDTools) 1 © CHT VblFileNames - Incorporate variable file names and defaults into your app from the dictionary.
(9) Global Templates Found

1 - Procedure Template Type: Menu
SelectConvertHTML ()
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0010) CHTBestPracticeEmbedClass(HNDTools) 1 © CHT Best Practice Embedding Assistant
(0011) EmbedWindowFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedWindowFunctions - HWin An Instance Of: HNDWindow
(0012) HandyApplicationIniPut(HNDTools) 2 © CHT HandyApplicationIniPut - Embed a PUT to the Application INI file or Windows registry.(13)
(0013) HandyFileSelectorControl(HNDTools) 3 © CHT HandyFileSelectorControl - File and directory selector lookup control.(11)
(0014) HandyGradientRoundBox(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyGradientRoundBox - Place gradient properties as a rounded backdrop for controls.(14)
(0015) HandyToolBarGradient(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyToolBarGradient - Place gradient properties as a backdrop on the window toolbar.
(0016) InQueueQueryControl_LBX(HNDTools) 1 © CHT InQueueQueryControl_LBX - Filters ListBoxBrowseExtender browses in queue on all columns
(0017) ListBoxBrowseExtender(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ListboxBrowseExtender - An ABC Browse Replacement.
(0018) ProcedureImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureImagesEx - Application Styling System
(0019) ProcedureSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(0020) ResizeHandles(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ResizeHandles - Attach "grip-style" resize handles to any window.
(11) Local Templates Found In SelectConvertHTML

2 - Procedure Template Type: Splash
JumpStartSplash06 ()
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0021) AppBuildDateTimeStamp(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppBuildDateTimeStamp - An application build date/time stamp.
(0022) AppBuildNumberStamp(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppBuildNumberStamp - An application build number or version stamp.
(0023) AppCopyRightStamp(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppCopyRightStamp - An application copyright stamp.
(0024) EmbedWindowFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedWindowFunctions - HWin An Instance Of: HNDWindow
(0025) HandyTellMeControl(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyTellMeControl - Text box control to provide a message or help text.
(0026) ProcedureImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureImagesEx - Application Styling System
(0027) ProcedureSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(7) Local Templates Found In JumpStartSplash06

3 - Procedure Template Type: Frame
Main ()
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0028) DateTimeDisplay(ABC) 1 Display the date and/or time in the current window
(0029) EmbedWindowFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedWindowFunctions - HWin An Instance Of: HNDWindow
(0030) ProcedureImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureImagesEx - Application Styling System
(0031) ProcedureSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(4) Local Templates Found In Main

Copyright © 1996-2023 - CHT Version: [27A.02.00]
Gus M. Creces, CHT (Clarion Handy Tools)
All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Application Templates