GENERATED: JAN 12,2023 - 12:28PM
BATCH-BOT NET MAIL [V10.23.01. 27.00]

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This "CHT Batch Bot", HNDMAILNET.EXE, uses SMTP mail provided by a CHT DLL called HNDNETSMTP.DLL written in C#.

Before you use it, the application must be configured with valid email parameters the same as any other smtp email client requires configuration. This application is stand-alone but requires the DLL mentioned above be located on the target machine and registered via REGASM.EXE.

HNDMAILNET.APP source code, because it is in Clarion .APP format, is included as a standard part of the CHT toolkit, provided both in .APP format as well as ready-to-run, in .EXE format.

The CHT email template used in this application is EMBEDNETSMTPCLASSES. The CHT class underlying this template is HNDNETSMTPCLASS located in files HNDNETSMTP.INC and HNDNETSMTP.CLW.

HNDMAILNET.EXE runs from the DOS prompt or can be called from another application using Clarion RUN, or CHT''s HNDSNAPCALL class, or run from a batch file or even from a .VBS script. It is capable of sending standard SMTP email as well as SSL SMTP email as found with GMAIL, HOTMAIL and other similar services.

It accepts several command line parameters that describe the email to be sent. These parameters are as follows:

<9>[REQ] This is the subject line.
<9>[REQ] smtpbody.txt (Contains email body)
<9>[OPT] (Requires full path to file)

<9>[CFG] Set up mail configuration information #0
<9>[CFG] Set up mail configuration information #1
<9>[CFG] Set up mail configuration information #2
<9>[CFG] Select and use configuration #0
<9>[CFG] Select and use configuration #1
<9>[CFG] Select and use configuration #2

All transactions such as config changes, emails or errors are logged into "hndmailnet.log" located in the same directory as the hndmailnet.exe.

--help [OPT] Pops up a help document
--silent [OPT] Suppress pop up log and help file during mult-recipient sends.

Main (Procedure Template: HandySourceProcedure)
Count Instance Class Type Methods Header File
(0002) HSRC HNDSourceProcedure HND 47 HNDSRC.INC
(2) Class Instances Found In Main

JumpStartSplashCHTBlue (Procedure Template: Splash)
Count Instance Class Type Methods Header File
(0001) HTellMe HNDWindow HND 205 HNDWINDO.INC
(0002) HWin HNDWindow HND 205 HNDWINDO.INC
(0003) Toolbar ToolbarClass ABC 6 ABTOOLBA.INC
(0004) ThisWindow WindowManager ABC 40 ABWINDOW.INC
(4) Class Instances Found In JumpStartSplashCHTBlue

Copyright © 1996-2023
Gus M. Creces, CHT (Clarion Handy Tools)
All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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