GENERATED: JAN 12,2023 - 12:52PM

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This application illustrates how to incrorporate HNDENCRYPT.EXE into a Clarion application via the global SNAP-IN interface template "CHT ApplicationSnapIns".

HNDENCRYPT.EXE runs from the DOS prompt or it can be called from another application using Clarion RUN, or using CHT's HNDSNAPCALL Class, or from a Windows batch file or a windows .VBS script. It accepts several command line parameters that describe the input file and and output path.

HNDENCRYPT.EXE, is configured with a --KEY established saved and configured in the registry which is used in the encrypt operation. Files encrypted and decrypted on the same machine are processed easily.

Files passed to other machines must first configure the correct encryption key before they can decrypt files passed to them.

External binary dependencies: HNDENCRYPT.EXE and HNDCAPCON.DLL

Count Global Template Name Qty Global Template Description
(0001) AACHTControlPanel(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AACHTControlPanel - CHT Global Control Panel (hndtools.tpl)
(0002) ApplicationImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ApplicationImagesEx - CHT Application Styling System
(0003) ApplicationSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ApplicationSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(0004) GlobalIncludeHNDSnapCallFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT GlobalIncludeHNDSnapCallFunctions - CHT Snap Call Classes - HNDSnapCall - globally to your application.
(0005) GlobalTransparentControls(HNDTools) 1 © CHT GlobalTransparentControls - Globally Add Transparency To Your Window/Report Controls
(0006) HNDCMPControlPanel(HNDTools) 1 © CHT Project Builder Support - Interface to the CHT Project Builder.
(0007) HandyVersionResource(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyVersionResource - Version Resource/Build Number Information To EXE
(7) Global Templates Found

1 - Procedure Template Type: Form
Main ()
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0008) AppStartSplashProcedure(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppStartSplashProcedure - Application Splash screen earlier with an option for threaded/unthre
(0009) CHTBestPracticeEmbedClass(HNDTools) 1 © CHT Best Practice Embedding Assistant
(0010) DateTimeDisplay(ABC) 1 Display the date and/or time in the current window
(0011) EmbedWindowFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedWindowFunctions - HWin An Instance Of: HNDWindow
(0012) HandyApplicationIniPut(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyApplicationIniPut - Embed a PUT to the Application INI file or Windows registry.(12)
(0013) HandyFileSelectorControl(HNDTools) 2 © CHT HandyFileSelectorControl - File and directory selector lookup control.(11)
(0014) HandyHelpWhatsNew(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyHelpWhatsNew - Build A What's New Request To Your Website.(14)
(0015) HandyToolBarGradient(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyToolBarGradient - Place gradient properties as a backdrop on the window toolbar.
(0016) HandyWindowGradient(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyWindowGradient - Place gradient properties as a backdrop on the window.
(0017) ProcedureImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureImagesEx - Application Styling System
(0018) ProcedureSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(0019) ProcedureTransparentControls(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureTransparentControls - Set Transparency To Your Procedure Window/Report Controls
(0020) ResizeHandles(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ResizeHandles - Attach "grip-style" resize handles to any window.
(13) Local Templates Found In Main

2 - Procedure Template Type: Splash
JumpStartSplash07 ()
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0021) AppBuildDateTimeStamp(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppBuildDateTimeStamp - An application build date/time stamp.
(0022) AppBuildNumberStamp(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppBuildNumberStamp - An application build number or version stamp.
(0023) AppCopyRightStamp(HNDTools) 1 © CHT AppCopyRightStamp - An application copyright stamp.
(0024) EmbedWindowFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedWindowFunctions - HWin An Instance Of: HNDWindow
(0025) HandyTellMeControl(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyTellMeControl - Text box control to provide a message or help text.
(0026) ProcedureImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureImagesEx - Application Styling System
(0027) ProcedureSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(0028) ProcedureTransparentControls(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureTransparentControls - Set Transparency To Your Procedure Window/Report Controls
(8) Local Templates Found In JumpStartSplash07

3 - Procedure Template Type: Form
ConfigPassKey (), STRING
Count Local Template Name Qty Local Template Description
(0029) EmbedWindowFunctions(HNDTools) 1 © CHT EmbedWindowFunctions - HWin An Instance Of: HNDWindow
(0030) HandyWindowGradient(HNDTools) 1 © CHT HandyWindowGradient - Place gradient properties as a backdrop on the window.
(0031) ProcedureImagesEx(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureImagesEx - Application Styling System
(0032) ProcedureSnapIns(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureSnapIns - Application Snap-In System
(0033) ProcedureTransparentControls(HNDTools) 1 © CHT ProcedureTransparentControls - Set Transparency To Your Procedure Window/Report Controls
(5) Local Templates Found In ConfigPassKey

Copyright © 1996-2023 - CHT Version: [27A.02.00]
Gus M. Creces, CHT (Clarion Handy Tools)
All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Application Templates