Clarion Handy Tools ™ 



For ExplorerBrowse (10 Min)

This video shows Clarion developers about CHT "PopFavoriteQueries_EXPB" Template For ExplorerBrowse. A query assistance template that helps browse users with real-language data table query creation, saving and recall.

This template creates a set of controls that pop up pre-built queries and query macros saved to a file defined in your dictionary and inserts them into a query entry control also provided on the template.

Dropping this template has the combined effect of dropping QueryParsingFilterControl with some features turned off plus PopFavoriteQueries_QPFC and it does so in a single step rather than having to drop the other two templates one after the other. See the predefined tables "PreQuery" and "PreMacro" in HNDLBXDM.DCT and HNDO.DCT.

Code Embedding Mastery (18 Min)

This video shows Clarion developers how to use a CHT template called "CHTBestPracticeEmbedClass" to improve the long-term maintainability of their applications.

The template assists the developer with "Best Practice" embedding as discussed in several CHT papers written by Gus M. Creces concerning the topic of Clarion embedding practices. These papers may be found here:

To CHT Server (15 Min)

This "CHT Utility Application", combines CHT's zip file creation capabilities with CHT's wide-ranging HTTP powers to provide a "Handy" utility that assists with backups to a CHT File Server like HNDFILSV.APP and HNDSVLV.APP and others.

The application can be pre-configured to back up a particular directory using a file mask that describes the files to be backed up, resulting in a standard zip file that can include source subdirectories right inside the zip.

An HTTP configuration dialog lets you preconfigure a target CHT file server to accept your zip file(s). Note that as of May 2017 this application utilizes CHT-XSA authentication, so that you can authenticate against any CHT Server which has been provided with a CHT-XSA configuration dialog. Once configured, your application can build a backup with one button click and PUT it to a web server with a second click. Up to 20 different backup configurations may be pre-created and moving from one to the other requires only one button click.

To Clarion Applications (14 Min)

This video illustrates several CHT templates that developers can use to incorporate help into their applications: help in the form of HTML pages, PDF documents and .MP4 video.

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