Clarion Handy Tools ™ 

(BUILD: 28C.01.00) 

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CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDCLARIONDRIVE.EXE may be used by CHT Clarion developers to configure their system to properly establish the current, in-use Clarion 9.1, Clarion 10, Clarion 11, or Clarion 11.1 installation.

While your system may have multiple same-version Clarions installed at different paths and/or on different drives, only ONE of any given Clarion version may be the currently-in-use clarion installation for that version.

This utility tracks where your various Clarion installations are installed and configures the correct registry settings any instance of a given Clarion version requires to run successfully.

To set to any Clarion version before running it, open this app and select "Clarion 9.1", "Clarion 10", "Clarion 11" or "Clarion 11.1" from the main window.

Then, from the pop-up menu choose "INFO" to determine where the currently active instance of that Clarion version is located.

If you have more than one installation of that Clarion version, you can configure the registry by choosing "SET" to that version's installation directory.

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TITLE:CONVERT HTML 2 PDF [V10.24.06. 28.24]
CATEGORY:Clarion Template Re-Registration
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application" HNDHTML2PDF.EXE may be used to convert well-formed HTML into user-interactive PDF documents.

Four versions of the executable are provided, one each with C9.1, C10, C11 and C11.1, located in the \accessory\bin\ directory. The source application is also provided in CHT's \hndapps\ directory.

Configure an "HTML Source Directory" and a "PDF Target Directory". The HTML file pickup location is determined by the "Source" value and the PDF creation location is determined by the "Target" value.

Next, select the .HTM or .HTML file names that you want to convert to PDF documents. These file names are then stored in the HNDHTML2PDF.TPS file along with a complete path, and a TIME, DATE and SIZE stamp. Since the file names and dates are stored, the date-time-size stamp on these files remains static. However, a double click on any file name forces an refresh of the DATE, TIME, SIZE information provided for any file.

Using the multi-select feature of the CHT LBX browse on the conversion dialog window, highlight the file or files that should be processed into .PDF's.

Click the PDF button on the window toolbar to begin PDF creation. Files with the same names and a .PDF extension are created in the "PDF Target Directory".

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TITLE:Register Templates [V24.06.05. 28.24]
CATEGORY:Clarion Template Re-Registration
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application" HNDTPLREGISTRY.EXE, is used to register a set of user-selected templates to the Clarion IDE.

Four versions of the executable are provided, one each with C9.1, C10, C11 and C11.1, located in the \accessory\bin\ directory. The source application is also provided in the \hndapps\ directory. Each HNDTPLREGISTRY.EXE version addresses directly, and only, the Clarion template registry of the Clarion version with which it was compiled.

First, select all the .TPL file names that you want to register from \templates\win\ and from \accessory\template\win\ into the application browse. These file names are stored in the HNDTPLREGISTRY.TPS file under the application directory. You only need to do this first step once, unless extra templates not already selected and stored are required.

Next, close the Clarion IDE version being addressed if it is running, as the application will refuse to register templates if it detects that Clarion version is still running.

Next, select the templates you wish registered using the CHT LBX browse record selection method. Browse record selection works as in any CHT HandyMarkerBrowse or CHT ListBoxBrowseExtender browse.

Finally, click the "Register" button on the toolbar. The application confirms with you, that the Clarion IDE being targeted is NOT running. Once confirmed, it renames the current \template\win\clarionregistryXX.trf and registers the templates selected in the application browse.

Note 1: ABCHAIN.TPL is automatically registered first, before any other selected templates. This is the master ABC template on which many other sets depend. If it is selected in the .TPL list, no harm done.

Note 2: This application creates a brand new clarion .TRF file with only the selected templates and ABCHAIN.TPL. In other words, a brand new .TRF is created, not a revised version of the existing one.

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TITLE:Auto-Backup Config [V10.24.06. 28.00]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDBACKUPCONFIG.EXE is intended to configure the CHT toolkit to back up your Clarion applications any time your app file is changed and generated.

Settings include, the ability to:
1) establish the auto-backup timer,
2) modify the target backup directory,
3) modify the target zip directory
4) modify the target restore directory
5) maintain, delete and zip backup files
6) locate and restore backup files from zip

From this application you are able to select a range of backups and compress them into a single zip file for archiving to a configured location using HNDNETZIPPER.DLL

You are also able to search and examine zip archives and restore backed up applications and dictionaries to a configurable location.

This application now includes procedure(s) using the template CHTBestPracticeEmbedClass as an example for developers.

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TITLE:Auto-Backup Config (SNAP) [V10.24.06. 28.00]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDBACKUPCONFIGSNAP.EXE, is intended to configure the CHT toolkit to back up your Clarion applications any time your app file is changed and generated.

Settings include, the ability to:
1) establish the auto-backup timer,
2) modify the target backup directory,
3) modify the target zip directory
4) modify the target restore directory
5) maintain, delete and zip backup files
6) locate and restore backup files from zip

From this application you are able to select a range of backups and compress them into a single zip file for archiving to a configured location.

You are also able to search and examine zip archives and restore backed up applications and dictionaries to a configurable location.

This specially named version (i.e. SNAP in the app name) is built on CHTSNAPZIP.EXE incorporated as a CHT "Snap-In" on the global template "ApplicationSnapins".

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TITLE:Batch File Run Utility [V10.21.11. 28.00]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", is an automation tool designed to let you pull together various command line tools and "Batch Bots" to perform tasks using batch file scripts you create that are executed from the application.

Rather than writing a program to perform a repetetive task such as zipping and uploading to an FTP site or sending an email announcement, HNDBATCHRUNNER.EXE lets you quickly write a script, save it to disk and execute the script when needed.

"Batch Bots" include a number of command-line utilities that at time of writing are as follows:

HNDBASE64CVT.EXE (Base 64 encoder/decoder)
HNDENCRYPT.EXE (File encrypter/decrypter)
HNDMAKEHZO.EXE (CHT Container builder)
HNDFTPNET.EXE (.NET-based FTP utility)
HNDMAILCDO.EXE (Windows CDO email send)
HNDMAILNET.EXE (.NET based SMTP email send)
HNDMAILSMTP.EXE (SMTP-based email send)
HNDMAILMAPI.EXE (MAPI-based email send)
HNDZIPNET.EXE (.NET-based file zip utility)
HNDSEARCH.EXE (Text file search/replace)
HNDSLFCMD.EXE (HTTP upload utility)
CHTSNAPGET.EXE (HTTP download utility)
CHTSNAPZIP.EXE (Zip, Unzip utility)
CHTSNAPSMTP.EXE (SMTP-based email send)
CHTSNAPMAPI.EXE (MAPI-based email send)
CHTSNAPEDIT.EXE (Clarion code + HTML editor)
CHTSNAPSEND.EXE (Error reporting utility)

All of the above (starting with HND) are provided to CHT developers pre-compiled as well as in source .APP format so they can be expanded, emulated or customized by CHT developers.

Many command-line utilities of this sort are available that perform a variety of useful tasks. For example:
CLARIONCL.EXE (Clarion generate/compile utility)
SIGNCODE.EXE (Windows code-signing utility)
REGASM.EXE (.NET assembly registration utility)

HNDBATCHRUNNER.EXE supports writing, storing, searching and executing of batch file scripts that support your day-to-day use of command-line utiliites of the sort described above.

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TITLE:Bulk Code Signing Utility [V10.24.06. 28.00]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDBULKSIGNER.EXE, is a batch-oriented BULK CODE SIGNING TOOL designed to provide easy and fast, post-compile bulk code signing of your .EXE, .DLL and *.OCX binaries before final delivery.

Select a target directory containing several to-be-signed .EXE, .DLL or .OCX files; click select all, followed by the bulk sign button, and watch as in a few seconds the entire batch is signed with your designated code signing certificate.

Log files (*_SIGN.LOG) are created to document each executable as it is signed. If any single executable fails signing, an err file (*_SIGN.ERR) is created indicating what went wrong.

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TITLE:Clarion Project Builder [V24.06.05. 28.00]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDCMP.EXE comes to you courtesy of CHT (Clarion Handy Tools). It interacts with CLARIONCL.EXE (Clarion EE Edition Only) to help you automate your development projects.

With CHT Clarion Project Builder you can perform the following operations directly without having to open your applications to change their internal configuration settings:

a) Switch between EXE and DLL compilation
c) Change link mode from LIB (library) to DLL
d) Switch between Debug and Release mode
e) Switch between expire and no-expire mode
g) Adjust processor affinity of the EXE
h) Code Sign executable with developer certificate
i) Export the app to TXA
j) Copy executable to a configured target directory
k) Stop compilation on error or continue to next
l) Generate app discovery HTML to target path
m) View compile log for application with full details

CHT Clarion Project Builder requires that the HNDTOOLS.TPL (template) be present in your Clarion template directory and a CHT template called HNDCMPControlPanel has been applied to your applications. This template and file are supplied only to full-fledged CHT subscribers.

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TITLE:Self-Signed Cert Utility [V10.24.06. 28.00]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


Have your installation product, supply and install your customer's hardware with a security certificate created with this valuable tool. There is really no reason to purchase an expensive code signing certificate from a third party, except perhaps for the convenience of not having to install a certificate at product installation time.

This latest revision includes the ability to create Signing Certificates, for CurrentUser or LocalMachine usage, SHA256 or SHA512 encryption level, and Root level or Personal level certificates.

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TITLE:Translation File Builder [V10.24.06. 27.96]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDFBACKBUILDER.EXE, is a translation-file tool that every CHT developer who builds non-English applications will want to learn how to use.

Prior to 2012, when CHT shipped a HNDFBACK.TRN (CHT Classes Translation File) that contained some new variables, it was the responsibility of the developer to copy these new variables to their personal HNDCUSTOM.TRN to avoid missing-variable errors during compilation.

This application automates that once manual process.

By opening this application and importing their HNDCUSTOM.TRN under the appropriate language menu, developers are able to generate a revised version of their own HNDCUSTOM.TRN which merges their personal HNDCUSTOM.TRN translations with the latest version of HNDFBACK.TRN.

Already-translated variables replace the English language versions and new variables are present and marked as "NEW" to make them easy to find for subsequent translation from the interface provided in this application.

After merging, and generating a new HNDCUSTOM.TRN based on a combination of their already-translated variables and new ones from HNDFBACK.TRN, developers are able to continue using their own HNDCUSTOM.TRN without having to manually synch new variables to avoid compilation errors.

NOTE: A POLISH translation category was added as of October, 2020.

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TITLE:Installation Containerizer [V10.24.06. 28.00]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDSETUP.EXE, compresses all kinds of files into a structured container (.HZO) built around a Clarion .TPS file. Optional encryption is available.

Our CHT Toolkit installer/updater, for your Clarion version also assigns this application as the default Windows handler for .HZO files so that you can click on any .HZO file to open it and even unpack it to a target directory if the optional password is known. A CHT-style query allows you to describe the files to be containerized. Or files to be containerized may be dropped from MS Windows Explorer.

This application can be used to build standard .HZO installation and update files for transport and decontainerization by applications like HNDSETUPMKR.APP to provide continuous, on-line updating of your software and data products. HNDSETUPMKR.APP uses a new install-maker template to generate a custom web-installer using the .HZO containers created by this HNDSETUP.APP application.

This applicaton now incorporates three CHT-XSA security settings and a "Post File To Server" dialog, in order to make it quick and easy to upload your .HZO container to a waiting CHT installation server enabled with a CHT-XSA security dialog.

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TITLE:SQL Trace Utility [V10.24.06. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDSQLTRACE.EXE, is designed to help you with your SQL application development projects by assisting with easy SQL tracing.

Start tracing by configuring the specific driver(s) used by your SQL application followed by a click on the "Minimize" button . Once this application is started, then start your SQL application.

Navigate in your SQL application to the specific area to be tested and bring HNDSQLTRACE.EXE back up using the windows task bar icon menu provided.

Manual tracing:
When HNDSQLTRACE.EXE re-appears all SQL statements executed to that point are displayed in reverse chronological order, with newest statements at the top. From this point forward, to trace specific actions, click the "Clear" button and interact briefly with your SQL application. Click the "Read Next" button to view the most recent SQL activity raised by your application. Repeat as necessary.

Automatic tracing:
Check the "Auto Trace" switch. A window timer will periodically refresh to the latest SQL select or group of selects issued by your application.

File Trace or Direct Trace:
These modes are mutually exclusive.

File trace is performed by communicating with SQL trace information issued by Clarion's file drivers into a text file. In "File Trace" mode a developer can trace any and all SQL select outputs from various browses in an application as long as HNDSQLTRACE.EXE is started and configured before starting the application.

"Direct Trace" mode is performed by low-level communication, usually from a specific procedure under scrutiny. This mode requires one of CHT's browse templates to be configured to issue trace information during interaction with the user.

This application includes the template CHTBestPracticeEmbedClass as an example for developers to study.

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CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application" is one of two CHT "official" media players. It streams .MP4 versions of CHT Educational Videos from our CHT Video Server (also a Clarion application).

At the same time HNDVIDEOEDUCATION.EXE also serves as a model for developers wishing to build their own streaming video players.

The player is built on CHT Template HandyComMediaControl which uses the Windows Media Player COM object based in WMP.DLL.

The player is capable of playing off-line any videos which have been previously viewed to completion. On-line viewing of uncached videos begins quickly, once approximately 5 percent of the video has downloaded, and already-cached videos begin immediately since they are not downloaded again.

If you plan to adapt this application to act as a video player for your own videos, a useful, accompanying application called HNDBUILDVIDEOLIST.APP can build video index files on your CHT-based video server, of the type utilized by this application and by the HNDWindowsMediaPlayer class (HNDWMP.INC, HNDWMP,CLW, HNDWMP.TLB).

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TITLE:CHT VIDEO JOURNAL [V10.24.06. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application" is one of two CHT "official" media players. It streams .MP4 versions of CHT Educational Videos from our CHT Video Server (also a Clarion application).

HNDVIDEOJOURNAL.EXE was introduced to play more informal, videos intended to answer developer questions and to cover a broader range of topics related to the CHT Toolkit.

The player is built on CHT Template HandyComMediaControl which uses the Windows Media Player COM object based in WMP.DLL.

The player is capable of playing off-line any videos which have been previously viewed to completion. On-line viewing of uncached videos begins quickly, once approximately 5 percent of the video has downloaded, and already-cached videos begin immediately since they are not downloaded again.

If you plan to adapt this application to act as a video player for your own videos, a useful, accompanying application called HNDBUILDVIDEOLIST.APP can build video index files on your CHT-based video server, of the type utilized by this application and by the HNDWindowsMediaPlayer class (HNDWMP.INC, HNDWMP,CLW, HNDWMP.TLB).

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TITLE:CHT Monitor Directory Service [V10.24.06. 28.00]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


The class attached to your procedure by this template, once initialized, gives your procedure the ability to detect all changes occuring in a nominated directory and, optionally, its subdirectories. Whenever a new file is added to the target area, or a file is changed, your procedure is sent an event called EVENT:FileChanged to signal that this has occurred. At that point, what you do as a programmer to act on that event is wide open.

The file or files meeting the filter setting provided on the application interface, eventually then, end up sitting somewhere else on the network, for instance, in a server directory. There is also an optional switch to remove the processed source file(s) from the directory being monitored.

The service can be run multiple times as separate "instances" with each instance performing a separate task using different filters, source and target directories. The instance number must be set before starting the service.

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TITLE:CHT Product News [V10.24.06. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDBRWCL.EXE is an interim replacement for the previous application of the same name, while we develop a CHT XML2HTML version of our forum, data-interactive application.

The CHT toolkit has evolved away from HTML techniques that rely heavily on external libraries of any kind, specifically Javascript libraries and CSS libraries.

HNDBRWCL.EXE has for 15 years or more, been a client that dislays interactive pages issuing from a CHT Type 1 Server. That is, a server which delivers data wrapped up in Javascript objects incorporating formal 3rd party Javascript libraries and 3rd party CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) libraries.

Since 2019 we've been producing our own self-contained HTML pages which use no Javascript or external CSS libraries. The pages are generated by Clarion applications using a technique we developed (all rights reserved) called CHT XML2HTML. Presently 100 percent of our website pages are created by ourselves using only CHT applications built with our tool kit, accessing web servers also of our own creation using only Clarion, plus the CHT toolkit.

In 2020 we began to purge from the CHT templates and classes all code using TYPE 1 server techniques. This purge-the-old, replace-with-new work continues to this day.

With the release of this interim "News" application, still called HNDBRWCL.EXE, we make a final break with the TYPE 1 Data Interactive Web Server as it has been for many years and make official our intention to develop a forum application based solely on our CHT XML2HTML techniques.

If you wish to know more about what our XML2HTML looks and acts like in the form of a useful, interactive web browse, visit the following CHT server:

The "Type" column in this browse links to other CHT XML2HTML documents interactively, to display template-specific documentation for any item clicked.

No Javascript here, no external CSS, just pure data-interactive HTML generated by CHT applications using CHT templates and classes.

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TITLE:XML2HTML Docs Mail [V10.24.06. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDBULKMAILBATCHER.EXE, or CHT Bulk Mail Batcher, is a batch-oriented approach to email sending via SMTP from Clarion applications or from DOS batch files using one or the other of two CHT Command Line utility applications called HNDMAILSMTP.EXE and CHTSNAPSMTP.EXE.

Generate HTML Mail With Internal Style Sheets
It is important for HTML email to use internal style sheets so that the email, on arriving in the recipient's inbox, does not need to request external style sheets from the web. It is therefore deemed "safe" by email clients and it displays immediately, like text mail, without the user needing to click any kind of "allow" switch.

Style Sheet Generating Template
This application illustrates several "_mail_" XML2HTML example templates that allow the developer to change every important aspect of numerous useful HTML style sheets so that different "looks" can easily be incorporated into different HTML-generating-procedures. To create HTML outputs with new and different looks, simply copy the existing example procedure and add your own CSS styles (or modify ours) by adjusting template switches and by removing or adding to the various "sections" incorporated into our examples.

Select Single Or Multipe Email Addresses
Select one or more email addresses from the email browse(s) using standard MS Windows record marking and an .HTML file written ahead of time using CHTSNAPEDIT.EXE or generated by one of this application's "AutoGen" procedures.

A batch file is generated, which in a loop, successively calls HNDMAILSMTP.EXE or CHTSNAPSMTP.EXE (depending which one you choose to use) to send the HTML email body to the addresses selected above. The batch file may be run either from the DOS prompt or from a simple desktop link or from inside your own Clarion applications, or using CHT's HNDBATCHRUNNER.EXE. utility.

An example of this run-from-Clarion concept, is provided in the "Run (Send Mail With) Last Generated Batch Script" menu of this application.

CHT Bulk Mail Batcher is able to import email addresses exported from other applications such as Windows Live Mail.

Preconfigure your SMTP email-send account beforehand and select that account for sending before generating your batch file.

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TITLE:XML2HTML Docs Builder [V10.24.07. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", CHT HTML Document Builder, is an excellent tool for creating HTML documents, for example, book chapters, manuals, and standard, static web pages. It creates portable documents that do not need to access the web in order to pick up CSS classes to handle formatting. These are generated by this application and travel inside the document.

To create a PDF of any HTML document generated by CHT HTML Document Builder, just print it to disk with Windows native PDF printer driver. Better yet, use CHTSNAP2PDF.EXE to render an accurate PDF version of your HTML document including active web links that still work from PDF.

Style Sheet Generating Template
This application illustrates a new template that allows the developer to change every important aspect of numerous useful HTML style sheets so that different "looks" can easily be incorporated into different HTML-generating-procedures.

To create HTML outputs with new and different looks, simply copy the existing example procedure and add your own style and flare by adjusting template switches and by removing or adding to the various "sections" incorporated into our examples.

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TITLE:XML2HTML Previewer [V10.24.06. 28.00]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDPREVIEWER.EXE, is designed to act as a specialized previewer for use with our CHT Document Builder suite of applications, such as "CHT Document Builder", "CHT Snap-Edit" and "CHT Bulk Net Mail Promo" to assist with HTML interface development.

Menus are provided to instantly set the previewer's window size to one of a variety of viewport sizes for common device sizes from small phones like the Apple iPhone to larger phones, tablets and, of course, Windows desktop.

Interacting with "CHT Document Builder" applications, like CHTSNAPEDIT.EXE and CHTSNAP2PDF.EXE, this application picks up an HTML directory location or URL from the command line passed to it from the calling application, and displays the HTML content just generated and provides a way to transform the HTML document into a PDF document.

This provides instant feedback relative to the the document changes just made.

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TITLE:XML2HTML Preview-Print [V10.24.06. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDPRINTHTML.EXE, can display .HTM and .HTML files and typical web content such as produced by the CHT Forum Web Application whether located locally or at a remote URL (website).

Buttons are supplied:
1) to select and load another local HTML file
2) to print the currently loaded file to the print device (PRN, PDF) selected by the user from a printer select dialog.

A URL entry control is supplied with which a remote web-site HTML file may be loaded, displayed and printed.

This app picks up an HTML file name (with path) from the command line if you wish to utilize the app as a command-line utility using Clarion RUN() or from a batch file.

If you wish to import the display/print procedure PreviewPrintHTMLMain() into your application from our app, that's easy enough to do as well.

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TITLE:ZIP-N-POST (BOT MAPI) [V10.24.06. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application" combines CHT's zip file creation capabilities using HNDNETZIPPER.DLL via CHT Classes HNDNetZipperClass with CHT's Batch-Bot SMTP executable HNDMAILMAPI.EXE launched via CHT's Global and Local templates GlobalEmbedHNDSnapCallFunctions, ProcedureSnapIns and SnapHNDMAILMAPISnapButton, respectively.

The application can be pre-configured using up to 20 potential configurations to back up a particular directory using a CHT Query that describes the files to be backed up, resulting in a standard zip file that can include source subdirectories right inside the zip.

This application's configuration button reminds only that MAPI email leverages the default email client to send mail, so it is only necessary that a working email client (e.g. Windows Live, Outlook) be present in order for email sending to operate correctly.

Once configured, your application can build a zip with one button click and send it to one or more recipients with a second click. Up to twenty separate, unique configurations are retained for instant re-use.

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TITLE:ZIP-N-EMAIL (CDO) [V10.24.07. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDZIPNEMAILCDO.EXE combines CHT's zip file creation capabilities using HNDNETZIPPER.DLL via CHT Classes HNDNetZipperClass with CHT's native Clarion-code CDO classes located in HNDMSCDO.INC/HNDMSCDO.CLW.

The application can be pre-configured using up to 20 potential configurations to back up a particular directory using a CHT Query that describes the files to be backed up, resulting in a standard zip file that can include source subdirectories right inside the zip.

An SMTP/CDO configuration dialog lets you preconfigure up to three target SMTP servers to handle the sending of your email and zip attachment.

Your application can build a zip with one button click and send it to one or more recipients with a second click. Up to twenty separate, unique configurations are retained for instant re-use.

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TITLE:ZIP-N-EMAIL (MAPI) [V10.24.06. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application" HNDZIPNEMAILMAPI.EXE combines CHT's zip file creation capabilities using HNDNETZIPPER.DLL via CHT Classes HNDNetZipperClass with CHT's native Clarion-code MAPI classes located in HNDMAPI.INC/HNDMAPI.CLW.

The application can be pre-configured using up to 20 potential configurations to back up a particular directory using a CHT Query that describes the files to be backed up, resulting in a standard zip file that can include source subdirectories right inside the zip.

Email configuration is carried out on the system's default MAPI client software. Success with this MAPI client is dependent on a MAPI-compliant email application being installed and configured on the hosting computer.

This application's email configuration button reminds only that MAPI email leverages the default email client to send mail, so it is only necessary that a working email client (e.g. Windows Live, Outlook) be present in order for email sending to operate correctly.

Your application can build a zip with one button click and send it to one or more recipients with a second click. Up to twenty separate, unique configurations are retained for instant re-use.

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TITLE:ZIP-N-EMAIL (NET) [V10.24.06. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDZIPNEMAILNET.EXE, combines CHT's zip file creation capabilities using HNDNETZIPPER.DLL via CHT Classes HNDNetZipperClass with CHT's HNDNETSMTP.DLL via HNDNetSMTPClass to provide a "Handy" utility that assists with sending zips via .NET based SMTP email.

The application can be pre-configured using up to 20 potential configurations to back up a particular directory using a CHT Query that describes the files to be backed up, resulting in a standard zip file that can include source subdirectories right inside the zip.

An SMTP configuration dialog lets you preconfigure up to three target SMTP servers to handle the sending of your email and zip attachment.

Once configured, your application can build a zip with one button click and send it to one or more recipients with a second click. Up to twenty separate, unique configurations are retained for instant re-use.

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TITLE:ZIP-N-EMAIL (SMTP) [V10.24.06. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDZIPNEMAILSMTP.EXE, combines CHT's zip file creation capabilities using HNDNETZIPPER.DLL via CHT Classes HNDNetZipperClass with CHT's native Clarion SMTP Classes HNDSmtp to provide a "Handy" utility that assists with sending zips via pure Clarion-code SMTP email.

The application can be pre-configured using up to 20 potential configurations to back up a particular directory using a CHT Query that describes the files to be backed up, resulting in a standard zip file that can include source subdirectories right inside the zip.

An SMTP configuration dialog lets you preconfigure up to three target SMTP servers to handle the sending of your email and zip attachment.

Once configured, your application can build a zip with one button click and send it to one or more recipients with a second click. Up to twenty separate, unique configurations are retained for instant re-use.

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TITLE:ZIP-N-POST (SNAP MAIL) [V10.24.06. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application" combines CHT's zip file creation capabilities using HNDNETZIPPER.DLL via CHT Classes HNDNetZipperClass with CHT's Snap-In SMTP executable CHTSNAPSMTP.EXE launched via CHT's Global and Local templates GlobalEmbedHNDSnapCallFunctions and ProcedureSnapIns respectively.

The application can be pre-configured using up to 20 potential configurations to back up a particular directory using a CHT Query that describes the files to be backed up, resulting in a standard zip file that can include source subdirectories right inside the zip.

An SMTP configuration dialog lets you preconfigure up to three SMTP servers to handle the sending of your email and zip attachment.

Once configured, your application can build a zip with one button click and send it to one or more recipients with a second click. Up to twenty separate, unique configurations are retained for instant re-use.

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TITLE:ZIP-N-POST (MAPI MAIL) [V10.24.06. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application" combines CHT's zip file creation capabilities using HNDNETZIPPER.DLL via CHT Classes HNDNetZipperClass with CHT's Snap-In SMTP executable HNDMAILMAPI.EXE launched via CHT's Global and Local templates GlobalEmbedHNDSnapCallFunctions, ProcedureSnapIns and SnapMAPIStartButton respectively.

The application can be pre-configured using up to 20 potential configurations to back up a particular directory using a CHT Query that describes the files to be backed up, resulting in a standard zip file that can include source subdirectories right inside the zip.

This application's email configuration button reminds only that MAPI email leverages the default email client to send mail, so it is only necessary that a working email client (e.g. Windows Live, Outlook) be present in order for email sending to operate correctly.

Once configured, your application can build a zip with one button click and send it to one or more recipients with a second click. Up to twenty separate, unique configurations are retained for instant re-use.

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TITLE:ZIP-N-POST (HTTP CLIENT) [V10.24.06. 28.24]
CLASSES:List App Classes
TEMPLATES:List App Templates


This "CHT Utility Application", HNDZIPNPOSTTOCHTSERVER.EXE, combines CHT's zip file creation capabilities using HNDNETZIPPER.DLL and HNDNETZIPPER source classes, along with CHT's wide-ranging HTTP/HTTPS powers to provide a "Handy" utility that assists with backups to any 2-Part CHT XSA File Server like HNDSLFSVFX.APP and others.

The application can be configured to back up a variety of directories using a CHT File Query that describes the files to be backed up. The application produces a standard zip file that can optionally include source subdirectories right inside the zip.

The HTTP configuration dialog also lets you preconfigure the target CHT file server designated to accept your zip file(s).

This application utilizes CHT-XSA secure, encrypted authentication, so that you can authenticate against any CHT Server file server that has been provided with a CHT-XSA configuration dialog.

Once configured, your application can build a backup with one button click and PUT it to a CHT-Style secure XSA web server with a second click.