TITLE: | BATCH-BOT ENCRYPTION [V10.24.06. 28.24] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
CLASSES: | List App Classes |
TEMPLATES: | List App Templates |
This "CHT Batch Bot", HNDENCRYPT.APP, application runs from the DOS prompt or can be called from another application using Clarion RUN, or CHT HNDSnapCall Class, or from a batch file or windows .VBS script. It accepts several command-line parameters that describe the input file and and output path.HNDENCRYPT.EXE source code, because it is in Clarion .APP format, is included as a standard part of the CHT toolkit, provided both in .APP format as well as ready-to-run, in .EXE format. HNDENCRYPT.EXE command-line parameters are as follows:** HELP **
TITLE: | BATCH-BOT FTP TOOL [V10.24.06. 28.24] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
CLASSES: | List App Classes |
TEMPLATES: | List App Templates |
This "CHT Batch Bot", HNDFTPNET.EXE is a command-line FTP tool which can send, fetch and erase files to/from any standard FTP site. The application can be called from one of your Clarion applications, a Windows batch file or a Windows .VBS script to provide reliable single and multi file upload/download/services.HNDFTPNET.EXE source code, because it is in Clarion .APP format, is included as a standard part of the CHT toolkit, provided both in .APP format as well as ready-to-run, in .EXE format. HNDFTPNET.EXE is dependent on a CHT DLL called HNDNETFTP.DLL being present and visible on the system path, for its FTP capabilities. The application communicates to this DLL via COM, requiring the HNDFTPNET.DLL to be registered on the host system. This DLL will auto-register on the host system when first called and found not to be registered. CONFIGURING:
TITLE: | BATCH-BOT CDO MAIL [V10.24.06. 28.24] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
CLASSES: | List App Classes |
TEMPLATES: | List App Templates |
This "CHT Batch Bot", HNDMAILCDO.EXE, uses CDO mail which is a form of SMTP mail built into windows applications for use by scripting languages. Before you use it, the application must be configured with valid email parameters the same as any other email client requires configuration. This application is stand-alone and requires no extra DLLs. The email template used to build this application is EMBED CDO MAIL FUNCTIONS. The CHT CDO Class is called HNDMSCDO located in files HNDMSCDO.INC and HNDMSCDO.CLW. HNDMAILCDO.APP source code, because it is in Clarion .APP format, is included as a standard part of the CHT toolkit, provided both in .APP format as well as ready-to-run, in .EXE format. HNDMAILCDO.EXE runs from the DOS prompt or can be called from another application using Clarion RUN or CHT's HNDSNAPCALL class. It accepts several command line parameters that describe the email to be sent. These parameters are as follows:SENDING:
TITLE: | MAPI MAIL UTILITY [V10.24.06. 28.24] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
CLASSES: | List App Classes |
TEMPLATES: | List App Templates |
This "CHT Batch Bot", HNDMAILMAPI.EXE, provides MAPI send capability using CHT's Clarion class-based MAPI functionality.The CHT template illustrated in this application is called SOURCE_ EMBED_ MAPI_ FUNCTIONS. The class underlying this template is called HNDIMAIL located in files HNDIMAIL.INC and HNDIMAIL.CLW. HNDMAILMAPI.APP source code, because it is in Clarion .APP format, is included as a standard part of the CHT toolkit, provided both in .APP format as well as ready-to-run, in .EXE format. When you have a properly configured MAPI email client like Outlook or Windows Live Mail configured, this application is able to connect with it to send email. This application is stand-alone and requires no other CHT Dlls. HNDMAILMAPI.EXE runs from the DOS prompt or can be called from another application using Clarion RUN, or CHT's HNDSnapCall Class, from a batch file or even from a .VBS script. It is capable of sending standard email of the type(s) configured in your default email client. It accepts several command line parameters that describe the email to be sent. These parameters are as follows:SENDING:
TITLE: | BATCH-BOT NET MAIL [V10.24.06. 28.24] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
CLASSES: | List App Classes |
TEMPLATES: | List App Templates |
This "CHT Batch Bot", HNDMAILNET.EXE, uses SMTP mail provided by a CHT DLL called HNDNETSMTP.DLL written in C#. Before you use it, the application must be configured with valid email parameters the same as any other smtp email client requires configuration. This application is stand-alone but requires the DLL mentioned above be located on the target machine and registered via REGASM.EXE. HNDMAILNET.APP source code, because it is in Clarion .APP format, is included as a standard part of the CHT toolkit, provided both in .APP format as well as ready-to-run, in .EXE format. The CHT email template used in this application is EMBEDNETSMTPCLASSES. The CHT class underlying this template is HNDNETSMTPCLASS located in files HNDNETSMTP.INC and HNDNETSMTP.CLW. HNDMAILNET.EXE runs from the DOS prompt or can be called from another application using Clarion RUN, or CHT''s HNDSNAPCALL class, or run from a batch file or even from a .VBS script. It is capable of sending standard SMTP email as well as SSL SMTP email as found with GMAIL, HOTMAIL and other similar services. It accepts several command line parameters that describe the email to be sent. These parameters are as follows:** SENDING:
TITLE: | BATCH-BOT SMTP MAIL [V10.24.07. 28.24] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
CLASSES: | List App Classes |
TEMPLATES: | List App Templates |
This "CHT Batch Bot", HNDMAILSMTP.EXE uses CHT Native SMTP mail. It is not dependent on the host hardware having a MAPI-compliant email client. This application requires Clarion's CLARUNEXT.DLL but is otherwise stand-alone. HNDMAILSMTP.EXE requires correct configuration of a valid SMTP email setup with UserName, Password, Email Server and Email Return Address. Our template and SMTP classes provide a configuration function with user-controllable registry location setttings.HNDMAILSMTP.APP source code, because it is in Clarion .APP format, is included as a standard part of the CHT toolkit, provided both in .APP format as well as ready-to-run, in .EXE format. The email template illustrated is EMBEDSMTPFUNCTIONS. The CHT class underlying this template is HNDSMTP located in files HNDSMTP.INC and HNDSMTP.CLW.HNDMAILSMTP.EXE runs from the DOS prompt or can be called from another application using Clarion RUN. It accepts several command line parameters that describe the email to be sent. These parameters are as follows:SENDING:
TITLE: | CHT HZO UTILITY [V10.24.06. 28.24] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
CLASSES: | List App Classes |
TEMPLATES: | List App Templates |
This "CHT Batch Bot", HNDMAKEHZO.EXE runs from the DOS prompt or can be called from another application using Clarion RUN, or from a batch file or windows .VBS script. It accepts several command line parameters that describe the input file and and output path. HNDMAKEHZO.EXE builds compressed/encrypted file containers based on Clarion .TPS files. These file containers (.HZO extension) may be used like zip files, except they are relational, making them easy to browse, add to, or extract from in a non-sequential access fashion. HNDMAKEHZO.EXE source code, because it is in Clarion .APP format, is included as a standard part of the CHT toolkit, provided both in .APP format as well as ready-to-run, in .EXE format. HNDMAKEHZO.EXE command-line parameters are as follows:--help [ALONE]
TITLE: | TEXT SEARCH UTILITY [V10.24.06. 28.24] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
CLASSES: | List App Classes |
TEMPLATES: | List App Templates |
This "CHT Batch Bot", HNDSEARCH.EXE, is a command-line utility that can be called from another application using, for example, Clarion RUN or one of CHT's many ShellRun() functions. It can also be leveraged from a DOS batch file, or a windows .VBS script or directly from the DOS prompt.The application accepts several command line parameters that describe search values, replace values and more. These parameters are as follows:--help
TITLE: | CHTTP FILE TRANSFER [V10.24.06. 28.24] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
CLASSES: | List App Classes |
TEMPLATES: | List App Templates |
This "CHT Batch Bot", HNDSLFCMD.EXE is a command-line HTTP tool which can send to, fetch and erase files from any standard CHT HTTP/HTTPS site managed by a Type 4 CHT Server such as HNDSLFSV.APP. A password and username are required for access to the server. Communications in both directions are encrypted. HNDSLFCMD.EXE can be called from one of your Clarion applications, from a Windows batch file or from a Windows .VBS script to provide reliable file upload, download and delete services.HNDSLFCMD.EXE source code, because it is in Clarion .APP format, is included as a standard part of the CHT toolkit, provided both in .APP format as well as ready-to-run, in .EXE format. CONFIGURATION COMMANDS:
TITLE: | BATCH-BOT ZIP FILES [V24.06.05. 28.24] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
CLASSES: | List App Classes |
TEMPLATES: | List App Templates |
This "CHT Batch Bot", HNDZIPNET.EXE is a command-line zip tool which can zip files alone or in bulk using a DOS-style file mask (eg: *.app) to describe the files to be zipped. The application can be called from one of your Clarion applications, a Windows batch file or a Windows .VBS script to provide reliable single and multi file zipping services.HNDZIPNET.EXE source code, because it is in Clarion .APP format, is included as a standard part of the CHT toolkit, provided both in .APP format as well as ready-to-run, in .EXE format. HNDZIPNET.EXE is dependent on one CHT DLL being present and visible on the system path, namely: HNDNETZIPPER.DLL. The application communicates to this DLL via COM requiring the HNDNETZIPPER.DLL to be registered on the host system. The DLL will auto-register on the host system when first called and found not to be registered. Auto-registration can only be performed from an "admin" account. ** ZIPPING/UNZIPPING/LISTING ***
TITLE: | CHT Snap Edit CMD Utility -- Version: [25:00:00] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
This "CHT Snap-In" utility is part of CHT's "written-in-C#" group of CMD-line utilities. It is classed as a "CHT Batch Bot" for documentation purposes, since this class of utility may be run independently from the DOS command-line or from inside a Clarion application using Clarion RUN(), HNDUTIL.ShellRunHide() or one of the snap-in run methods designated to it in CHT's HNDSnapCall Class.CHTSNAP2PDF.EXE (AKA: CHT Snap To PDF), is a command-line translation tool that is able to translate well-formed HTML 5 documents into exact-copy PDF documents that include full use of correctly formatted internal and external links. CHTSNAP2PDF.EXE requires no pre-configuration and has no DLL dependencies in this version or later. It can be run from the DOS prompt, from a standard Windows short cut or from inside a Clarion application. A number of CHT demo and utility applications, for example HNDDOCUMENTBUILDER make extensive use of this document translation application. CHTSNAP2PDF.EXE can be incorporated into your application from the CHT Snap-In interface where you can find a "CHTSnap2PDF" option. Our template sets an IDE directive to copy the CHTSNAP2PDF.EXE into your application's compile directory. The template also enables a CHT Class called HNDSNAPCALL which contains functions for calling the editor from your application. For DEMO application which incorporate CHTSNAP2PDF.EXE as described above, see HNDDOCUMENTBUILDER.APP, HNDPREVIEWER.APP and HNDTPXHTNEXT.APP. These applications are described here: HNDDOCUMENTBUILDER.APP.Contact CHT at: for price and availability of C# source code information. Gus M. Creces
TITLE: | CHT Snap Disk CMD Utility -- Version: [27.00.00] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
This "CHT Snap-In" utility is part of CHT's "written-in-C#" group of CMD-line utilities. It is classed as a "CHT Batch Bot" for documentation purposes, since this class of utility may be run independently from the DOS command-line or from inside a Clarion application using Clarion RUN(), HNDUTIL.ShellRunHide() or one of the snap-in run methods designated to it in CHT's HNDSnapCall Class.
TITLE: | CHT Snap Edit CMD Utility -- Version: [27.00.00] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
This "CHT Snap-In" utility is part of CHT's "written-in-C#" group of CMD-line utilities. It is classed as a "CHT Batch Bot" for documentation purposes, since this class of utility may be run independently from the DOS command-line or from inside a Clarion application using Clarion RUN(), HNDUTIL.ShellRunHide() or one of the snap-in run methods designated to it in CHT's HNDSnapCall Class.CHT Snap Edit requires no pre-configuration and has no DLL dependencies in this version or later. It can be run from the DOS prompt, from a standard Windows short cut or from inside a Clarion application. A number of CHT demo and utility applications, for example HNDDOCUMENTBUILDER make extensive use of this editor application. This editor is branched from the same C# source code from which the Clarion IDE code editor was originally built. In fact, if you view Clarion source .CLW files from this editor, editing will feel familiar. The hot keys provided, however, are optimized for editing raw HTML and XML files. Hot keys are provided for most of standard mark-up operations such as BOLD, ITALIC Paragraph, Image Links, Web Anchors and numerous others. CHTSNAPEDIT.EXE can be incorporated into your application from the CHT Snap-In interface where you can find a "CHT Snap Edit" option. Our template sets an IDE directive to copy the CHTSNAPEDIT.EXE into your application's compile directory. The template also enables a CHT Class called HNDSNAPCALL which contains functions for calling the editor from your application. Two procedure-local templates called SNAPEDITSTARTBUTTON, RUNCHTSNAPEDIT provide an easy way to incorporate various text, HTML or XML editing tasks into a Clarion Window procedure. For DEMO application which incorporate CHTSNAPEDIT.EXE as described above, see HNDDOCUMENTBUILDER.APP, HNDBULKMAILBATCHER.APP and HNDBULKNETMAILPROMO.APP. These applications are described here: HNDDOCUMENTBUILDER.APP.Contact CHT at: for price and availability of C# source code information
TITLE: | CHT Snap Get CMD Utility -- Version: [27.00.00] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
This "CHT Snap-In" utility is part of CHT's "written-in-C#" group of CMD-line utilities. It is classed as a "CHT Batch Bot" for documentation purposes, since this class of utility may be run independently from the DOS command-line or from inside a Clarion application using Clarion RUN(), HNDUTIL.ShellRunHide() or one of the snap-in run methods designated to it in CHT's HNDSnapCall Class.CHTSNAPGET.EXE is added as a component to your Clarion application, from the CHT's global "Application Snap-Ins" template. A procedure-local template called SNAPGETSTARTBUTTON provides an easy way to configure the application two different ways from a Clarion window procedure and to trigger download of a file named in a procedure entry field. CHTSNAPGET.EXE can also be used directly from the DOS command-line or in a DOS BATCH script. For a DEMO application, see HNDTESTCHTSNAPGET.APP. That application is described here: DOCS FOR HNDTESTCHTSNAPGET.APP.These DOS command-line inputs are required to fetch a remote file: ** CHTSNAPGET.EXE ** - Version: [27.00.00] **
TITLE: | CHT Snap MAPI CMD Utility -- Version: [27.00.00] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
This "CHT Snap-In" utility is part of CHT's "written-in-C#" group of CMD-line utilities. It is classed as a "CHT Batch Bot" for documentation purposes, since this class of utility may be run independently from the DOS command-line or from inside a Clarion application using Clarion RUN(), HNDUTIL.ShellRunHide() or one of the snap-in run methods designated to it in CHT's HNDSnapCall Class.
TITLE: | CHT Snap SEND CMD Utility -- Version: [27:00:00] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
This "CHT Snap-In" utility is part of CHT's "written-in-C#" group of CMD-line utilities. It is classed as a "CHT Batch Bot" for documentation purposes, since this class of utility may be run independently from the DOS command-line or from inside a Clarion application using Clarion RUN(), HNDUTIL.ShellRunHide() or one of the snap-in run methods designated to it in CHT's HNDSnapCall Class.CHTSNAPSEND.EXE source code, because it is not in Clarion app format, is available from CHT via special request in the form of a C# wizard. Once imported as a project into Visual Studio, the developer can customize the application to his own specifications should that ever be necessary. CHTSNAPSEND.EXE (AKA: CHT Snap Send), is an error-reporting tool which integrates, with your Clarion application via CHT templates. It is able to provide screen-snaps of error-causing procedure windows as well as lower-level error codes and error messages issued by the application when an error is encountered. CHTSNAPSEND greatly increases the accuracy of error reporting from applications as it eliminates most of the error-reporting steps that end-users are likely to have difficulties with. CHT Snap Send email settings can be configued manually using its internal setup dialog, or by leveraging a Clarion application to write the necessary registry entries from our Snap-Ins template interface.This application does not take command-line inputs. It is leveraged by CHT's Snap-In template interface provided globally on the CHTSNAPGET tab and procedure-locally on a procedure tab that appears when the global CHTSNAPGET tab is enabled.The "CHT Snapsend" template element, when enabled, writes global SnapSend configuration entries to the Windows Registry in order to customize some of the actions and messages that CHT SnapSend performs and displays, while taking application screen snaps. Further, this template causes the auto-population of multiple instances of a procedure-level template (one per window procedure) called "ProcedureSnapins(HndTools)". ProcedureSnapins(HndTools) instances are de-populated when ApplicationSnapins(HndTools) is removed. See the docs for ProcedureSnapIns to discover the procedure-specific configurations that are possible with that auto-populated template.EmbedSnapCall: This template may be used to attach to your application, at the procedure level, a CHT Code module containing a single class called HNDSnapCall. This extension creates a single, local instance of the HNDSnapCall Class which is used to call a variety of "CHT SNAP-IN" executable tools in a manner that resembles standard DLL calls, using parameter passing on the command line. ProcedureSnapIns: On a procedure-by-procedure basis, this template allows the developer to optionally expose the state of procedure-local and global variables while the procedure is running. These variables are added into a text file that is sent via email along with the procedure-window snapshot taken by CHT SnapSend. This template is also the parent of a button template called "HandyWindowsStopStartSnapSendButton(HndTools)". That means the button template does not appear in the IDE's control templates list until ApplicationSnapins' "Enable?" switch is checked.
TITLE: | CHT Snap SMTP CMD Utility -- Version: [27.00.00] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
This "CHT Snap-In" utility is part of CHT's "written-in-C#" group of CMD-line utilities. It is classed as a "CHT Batch Bot" for documentation purposes, since this class of utility may be run independently from the DOS command-line or from inside a Clarion application using Clarion RUN(), HNDUTIL.ShellRunHide() or one of the snap-in run methods designated to it in CHT's HNDSnapCall Class.CHTSNAPSMTP.EXE (AKA: CHT Snap SMTP), is able to send email via SMTP protocol from any Windows system with an internet connection and a viable SMTP server. Even web-based email providers such as HOTMAIL, GMAIL and YAHOO may be leveraged by CHTSNAPSMTP since they provide also for unique SMTP setups. CHTSNAPSMTP can also send secure, encrypted email assuming that the SMTP server being accessed provides for it. CHT Snap Get can be configued manually from the command line, or by leveraging a Clarion application to write the necessary registry entries. Once configured, to a specific SMTP server and account emails can be sent from the DOS command line. CHTSNAPSMTP.EXE is added as a component to your Clarion application, from the CHT's global "Application Snap-Ins" template. A procedure-local template called SNAPSMTPSTARTBUTTON provides an easy way send SMTP email from a Clarion window procedure. For a DEMO application, see HNDTESTCHTSNAPSMTP.APP. That application is described here: DOCS FOR HNDTESTCHTSNAPSMTP.APP.These DOS command-line inputs are required to send text or HTML emails:Three or four DOS command-line inputs are required
TITLE: | CHT Snap Zip CMD Utility -- Version: [27.00.00] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
This "CHT Snap-In" utility is part of CHT's "written-in-C#" group of CMD-line utilities. It is classed as a "CHT Batch Bot" for documentation purposes, since this class of utility may be run independently from the DOS command-line or from inside a Clarion application using Clarion RUN(), HNDUTIL.ShellRunHide() or one of the snap-in run methods designated to it in CHT's HNDSnapCall Class.
TITLE: | CHT Clarion Gen-Code Cleaner -- Version: |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
TITLE: | Base64 Encrypt Utility [V24.06.05. 28.24] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
CLASSES: | List App Classes |
TEMPLATES: | List App Templates |
This "CHT Batch Bot", HNDBASE64CVT.EXE is a command-line utility that can be called from another application using, for example, Clarion RUN or one of CHT's many ShellRun() functions. It can also be leveraged from a DOS batch file, or a windows .VBS script. HNDBASE64CVT.EXE source code, because it is in Clarion .APP format, is included as a standard part of the CHT toolkit, provided both in .APP format as well as ready-to-run, in .EXE format. The application accepts several command line parameters that describe the input file and output path. These parameters are as follows:--help
TITLE: | XML2HTML Generator [V10.24.06. 28.24] |
DATE: | 8/07/2024 |
CLASSES: | List App Classes |
TEMPLATES: | List App Templates |
This "CHT Batch Bot", HNDXML2HTMLGEN.EXE, runs from various other CHT Batch-Bots, Snap-Ins and Utility Applications in order to generate user-embedded XML template files into stand-alone HTML pages and forms. It will also run directly from a DOS batch file or Clarion application to enable it for XML to HTML processing. The application accepts several command line parameters to provide input and output values, or to call its internal configuration dialog. CHT Snap-Edit calls this HTML generator from its "XML2HTML" menu in order to transform CHT XML template files into HTML for previewing, storage, transport and conversion to PDF.This generator implementation can access and call remote procedures established in a CHT data server configured in the "Connect" menu to request data packages which are then merged into the HTML document. ** GENERATING **